.....National Small-bore
Rifle Association..................the
home of British small-bore rifle shooting
County Smallbore Rifle Association...........here
are links to all the county's clubs
County Full-bore Rifle Association ................................the
home of Essex full-bore rifle shooting
Lee-Enfield Rifle Association .....the
association for all collectors and shooters of Lee-Enfield rifles
Breechloading Smallarms Association....UK's
primary research group for breechloading Small-Arms
& Essex Shooting Association....for
full-bore & small-bore shooters - modern & classic competitions
Police Firearms Licensing .......Essex's
own FSEL - all the answers for your FAC queries
yard Summer Historic Rifle Postal League.........under
the care of the Dorchester Rifle and Pistol Club
............................Plus a few other worthwhile sites to visit
when you have time to spare: please scroll down
Research Press: David Minshall's Firearms History site
The Royal British Legion Mersea Island Rifle Club
Martini Gallery : an American view on Martini rifles
Click here to access a Chronology of Enfield genre Training Rifles, Adapters & Cartridges
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