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Breech-loading Enfield Genre Training Rifle, Adapter & Cartridge Chronology

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 A small number of equivalent non-Enfield or non-British training rifles are included as a matter of interest, and for comparison
N.B. Particularly in wartime, many officially approved small-bore rifles, perhaps specially ordered and sometimes in very limited numbers, never reached the official listings.
Musket with Spring Bayonet 16- Jul-1863 807 n/a For "use in gymnasiums" The first of the spring bayonet fencing muskets to a design by Messrs. Wilkinson and Son Ltd.
Tube, Aiming, Morris's, M.H. Rifle, Mk.I 14-Nov-1883 4452 n/a "Aiming" practice with miniature calibre cartridge The .297/.230 CF Morris Tube for the .577/450 barrelled Martini Henry Rifle 
Cartridge, Aiming Tube, Morris's (Mark I) 11-Aug-1883 4458 n/a  " The initial introduction of what was to become the "Short" .297/.230 Centrefire cartridge
Tube, Aiming, Morris's, M.H. Carbine 28-Dec-1885 4938 n/a " The .297/.230 CF Morris Tube for the .577/450 barrelled Martini Henry Carbine
Cartridge, Aiming Tube, Morris's (Mark I) 06-Nov-1890 6188 n/a " Requiring future supplies of this cartridge to be in tin-lined deal boxes with elm ends and fitted with cleated rope handles. Each to contain 10,000 rounds and weighing about 112 lbs. The Royal Navy required Quarter sized boxes! (LoC 6487 - 6/11/1890)
Cartridge, Aiming Tube, Morris's (Mark II) 27-Nov-1890 6391 n/a " Nomenclature alteration to Mark II to recognise modification to the wadding arrangement in the cartridge
Tube, Aiming, L.M. Magazine Rifle, .303-inch, Morris 29-Dec-1891 6602 n/a " Morris Aiming Tube for the .303-inch calibre Lee-Metford Magazine Rifle - the first of what came to be universally known as the "Long-Lee" rifles
Aim Corrector, (Mark I) 03-Nov-1891 6628 n/a with all .303-inch and .45-inch rifles The earliest known adopted model with an appropriately angled tinted glass square through which the student could see the sights, and in which the instructor could view the sight picture from the side.
Tube, Aiming, M.M. Carbines, Artillery & Cavalry 23-Sep-1892 6860 n/a " Morris Aiming Tube for the Martini Metford Carbines in .303-inch calibre
Martini Metford M.T. Carbine 23-Sep-1892 6860 Artillery Mk.I and Cavalry Mks.I,II & III " Patterns of these rifles were sealed at the same time as the tubes were approved. Rifles were allotted tubes permanently.
Tubes, Aiming, Lee Metford Rifle & M/Henry Rifle & Carbine 09-May-1892 6723 n/a L.M. & M.H. Rifles - Land use; M.H. carbine- Land & Naval Alteration to designations of tubes and components to facilitate identification; Vocabulary of Stores amended
Tube, Aiming, .23-inch 04-Feb-1899 9610 n/a "Aiming" practice with miniature calibre cartridge All tubes were required to be stamped with a letter, A - J, to ensure us with the correct rifle mark.
Snider Artillery Cadet Carbine ??-???-1889 1891 - Mark III actioned Artillery Carbine Cadets With shortened 3-groove barrel
Snider Artillery Carbine Mk.IV ??-???-1891 - n/a Cadets and Volunteers Many of the Artillery & Yeomanry Carbines were used for training 
Rifle, Winchester 'Winder' Musket ca 1900 unknown new build New Zealand Cadet Forces The Hi-Wall model of this Winchester Musket was purchased by the N.Z. Government for training purposes. The  Imperial War Museum - London - also holds an example marked as U.S. Lend-Lease Property
Cartridge, Aiming tube, R.F. (Mark I) Small Arms 29-Nov-1904 13642 n/a Land Forces New rimfire cartridge with solid-drawn copper-zinc alloy case, 39.9 grain bullet and 4.7 grains of black powder propellant. The original LONG (not Long Rifle)
Cartridge, Aiming tube, C.F. (Mark II), Morris, Small Arms 29-Nov-1904 13642 n/a Land Forces The introduction of the rimfire cartridge required a change in nomenclature of the Morris cartridge to C.F. (centrefire)
Rifle (Miniature), War Office Pattern 1906  n/a n/a new build Small-bore clubs and junior cadet units A Government sponsored project to a War Office approved design, the rifle was never adopted for military use although it was in production and sold commercially for more than 9 years.
Rifle, Martini Cadet, .310-inch calibre C.F. ca 1906 n/a new build Australian & New Zealand Cadet Forces Senior cadets received the .310 models manufactured in Birmingham by B.S.A. and W.W. Greener. The earlier Francotte .230 rifles were used by the juniors.
Rifle, Short, M.L.E., A.T. (Mark I) 13-Nov-1906 13649 The Rifle, Short, M.L.E. Land Forces - Aiming & Drill purpose (D.P.) S.M.L.E. Rifles issued for Land Service aiming and drill practice use and fitted with bolt heads for the new rimfire cartridge
Rifle, Short, M.L.E., A.T./N.I.  (Mark I) 13-Nov-1906 13649 The Rifle, Short, M.L.E. Trials rifles  Land Forces - Aiming & Drill purpose (D.P.) Converted as "N.I." ( Non-interchangeable parts) from 1,000 experimental S.M.L.E. trials rifles
Aiming Tubes & breech-bolts for the .22-inch R.F. A.T. cartridges 29-Nov-1904 13650 Bolts from various marks of M.L.M. and M.L.E. Land Forces
Tube, Aiming, .22-inch, M.L.M. Rifle (Mark I) 23-May-1907 13856 n/a Land Forces Mk.i also for Rifles. M.L.E.; for R.F. cartridges. Mk.II also for Rifles M.L.E.; converted from  Tube, Aiming, M.L.M. rifle, Morris.
Musket, fencing, short, Mark II 28-Sep-1907 13991 Martini-Henry Rifle Land & Naval Forces The first fencing musket to be converted from the Martini-Henry rifle. The spring bayonet did not carry the India rubber pad fitted to earlier purpose-built marks of musket.
Rifle, R.F., Short, (Mark I) 13-Dec-1907 14139 Magazine Lee-Metford Mk.I Land & Naval Forces
Magazine Lee-Metford  A.T. 19-Jul-1907 14168 Magazine Lee- Metford Aiming Tube Practice - Territorial Force Rifles fitted with Aiming tubes and .22-inch R.F. breech-bolts ( as LoC 13650) - Full-bore chamber bushed to prevent chambering of .303 cartridge
Magazine Lee-Enfield A.T. 19-Jul-1907 14168 Magazine Lee- Enfield Aiming Tube Practice - Territorial Force  "                   "                           "                        "                           "                           "
Tube, Aiming,, .22-inch, M.L.E. Rifle, Short Mk.I 04-Feb-1910 15002 n/a Naval Forces  5 inches shorter than the tube in LoC 6602, to fit the Rifle, Short, M.L.E. (or Short Magazine Lee-Enfield latterly known as the S.M.L.E.)
Tube, Aiming,, .22-inch, M.L.E. Rifle, Short 07-Feb-1911 15389 n/a Land Forces Stock to be used up. Rifles, short, M.L.E.  A.T. & A.T./N.I. to be returned to store when stock of aiming tubes used up. To be replaced by LoC 14139
Stronger breech-bolt for the Rifle, Short, .22-inch R.F. Mark I  15-Dec-1910 15498 n/a Land Forces This is the introduction of the familiar bolt-head marked on its upper wing face as ".22 No. 2", and the two-component firing-pin and striker arrangement
Strengthened breech-bolt for Rifles Long & Short M.L.M/E A.T./N.I. 15-Dec-1910 15499 n/a Land Forces Longer breech-bolt/ striker requiring head-space check. Any remaining bolt dust-covers on A.T. rifles to be removed to allow easier access for firing-pin cleaning
Aim Teacher, Mark I (LeGret) 20-Apr-1911 15525 n/a Naval Forces See linked website page on Aim Teachers (under construction)
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.2, Mark I 23-Oct-1908 15628 n/a Naval Forces Differs from LoC 13642 in being shorter and having a 30 grain bullet - black powder
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, Mark I 23-Oct-1908 15628 n/a Land Forces Altered nomenclature( "No. 1") for the Land Service cartridge (LoC 13642) due to the introduction of the short Naval Service cartridge above
Rifle, R.F., Short, Mk.I* 13-Oct-1911 15895 Magazine Lee-Metford Mk.I* Land Forces Differs from Rifle, Short .22-inch Mk.I (LoC 14139) in backsight & foresight  blade, and that the foresight protecting wings are straight vertically, not incurved
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, Mark I 20-Feb-1912 15936 n/a Naval Forces Cartridge use extended to Naval Service
Rifle, R.F., Short, Mk.II 05-Jan-1912 15969 Magazine Lee-Metford Mk.II Naval Forces This conversion was to approximate, as nearly as possible, the Rifle, Short, .22-inch R.F., Mark I* (LoC 15895)
Rifle, Long, .22-inch, R.F., Mark I 07-Feb-1912 16044 Magazine Lee-Metford Mk.II Naval Forces Fitment of suitable bolt-head, striker and firing pin similar to those described in LoC 15498 
Rifle, Long, .22-inch, R.F., Mark I* 11-Mar-1912 16044 Magazine L.M. Mk.II* and M.Lee-Enfield Mks.I & I*  Naval Forces The Mk. I* differs from the Mk.I by the longer striker stem to suit the longer breech bolt described in LoC 15499
Rifle, Long, .22-inch, R.F., Mark II 11-Nov-1911 16042 Magazine Lee-Enfield Mks. I & I* Land Forces New Pattern
Rifles, M.L.L. and M.L.E., A.T. - 27-Nov-1911 16042 - - Obsolescent due to the introduction of the rifle above
Tubes, Aiming, .22-inch M.L.M.R., Mks. I & II - 15-Apr-1912 16042 - - Obsolescent. To be used up, but without repair in Ordnance Factory
Rifle, Short, .22-inch, R.F. Mark III 09-Aug-1912 16291 Rifles, short, M.L.E., Converted Marks II and II* Land Forces Conversion entailed fitting bolt, striker, firing pin and bolt-head and extractor as per LoC 14139, vertically straightening the foresight protector wings, plus sight and gas-vent mods.
Rifle, Ross Cadet in .22 rimfire calibre ??-???-1912 n/a n/a Canadian Militia/Cadet units Not a British approved training rifle, but a noteworthy Commonwealth addition to this listing
Rifle, Short, .22-inch, R.F.,  Pattern 1914  (latterly the No.1 variant) 24-May-1915 17320 Rifle Short,, M.L.E., converted Marks II & II* Land Forces Sleeved by A.G. Parker's "Parkerifling" system. Wartime brought rifle shortages, particularly of Mk.III SMLE production from which .22 rifles could be ill afforded.
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, smokeless, (Mark I) 12-Feb-1915 17461 n/a Land Forces First introduction of smokeless propellant to the Morris Aiming Tube cartridge
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, black powder (Mark I) 12-Feb-1915 17550 amendment Land & Naval Forces Nomenclature of Long cased black powder cartridge with 40 grain bullet relating to LoCs 13642, 15628 & 15936 is changed to this as a result of introduction of LoC 17461
Magazine, .22-inch rifle, Mark I              (Hiscock-Parker) 21-Dec-1915 17621 n/a Land Forces For Rifles, short, .22-inch, R.F., Mark III and Pattern 1914, all now modified to chamber the cartridge .22-inch R.F., No.1, Mark I; (LoC 13642)
Rifle, Short, .22-inch, R.F.,  Pattern 1914, No.2 28-Apr-1916 17755 Rifles, short, M.L.E. Mk.III & converted Mk.IV Land Forces With the introduction of this "No.2" mark, the original .22RF Pattern '14 (LoC 17320) became the "No. 1" to distinguish between the conversions
Rifle, Long, .22-inch, R.F.,  Pattern 1914 28-Apr-1916 17755 Rifles, Charger Loading M.L.E. Mk. I* Land Forces Another A.G. Parker sleeved conversion. A "Long" training rifle was still required, because the .303-inch "Long-Lees" were still very much in service with many units
Rifle, Winchester, .22R.F.(W), auto-rifle, Mk.I 1916 unknown new build Royal Flying Corps/ Royal Air Force Bought in by the War Office specifically to assist with training in the newly discovered requirement for air-gunnery
Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., Pattern 1918 10-Jun-1918 21675 Rifles, short, M.L.E., Mark III, and converted Mark IV Land Forces Yet a further A.G. Parker tubed conversion, but retaining the .303-inch chamber to accept a "conveyor" for the .22RF cartridge. See the webpage from link to left
Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., Pattern 1918 - Conveyor 10-Jun-1918 21675 n/a Land Forces 30 conveyors issued per rifle
Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., Pattern 1918 - Tool 10-Jun-1918 21675 n/a Land Forces A tool to respectively load and remove the .22RF cartridge and fired case in/from the conveyor. See webpage via link at beginning of this line.
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, smokeless, (Mark I) 13-May-1919 23310 n/a Royal Air Force use of this cartridge extended to the Air Service - probably acknowledgement of usage that had already been made during the latter part of the Great War
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, black powder (Mark I) 25-Jun-1920 23763 n/a Obsolete for Land Service Now notated "N" for Naval Service use only.
Cartridge, .22-inch, R.F. smokeless, Winchester auto-rifle, Mark I 05-Oct-1920 23783 n/a Royal Air Force This Winchester cartridge had already been purchased in large quantities during the Great War (WWI). By the time of this adoption, surplus ammunition and rifles were already being sold commercially by A.G. Parker & Co. Ltd.
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, black powder (Mark I) 25-Jun-21 24376 n/a Obsolete for Naval Service No further manufacture
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.1, smokeless, (Mark I) 13-Sep-1921 24639 n/a Naval Service Introduction to Naval Service of long case smokeless cartridge with 40 grain bullet. Cartridge similar to  those used in Land an Air services as LoCs 17461 & 23310
Cartridge, .22-inch R.F., No.2, black powder (Mark I) 16-Nov-1921 24871 n/a Naval Service An interesting reintroduction of a black powder cartridge specifically for the Royal Navy, now with a "No.2" nomenclature - for what reason?
Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., Mark IV 19-Nov-1921 24909 Rifles, short, M.L.E., Marks III and III* Land Forces Differs from the "Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., Mark II" only in that it is based on the S.M.L.E. Mk.III and III*. Components are interchangeable. Last British conversion of S.M.L.E. to .22RF
Rifle, Short, .22-inch, R.F.,  Pattern 1914, No.2, Mark I 19-Nov-1921 24910 conversion notification n/a Rifles of this pattern, when returned for repair to R.S.A. Factory, Enfield Lock, will be converted to Rifles, short, .22-inch, R.F., Mark IV (LoC 24909) - This is the precursor to the now familiar "No.2 Mk.IV" designation
Muskets, Fencing, Marks IV, V, VII, VIII, IX & Shorts Mk. I & II - 03-Apr-1925 A 921*** n/a n/a All declared obsolete. Only the Mk.VI and Mk.X (Nos, 1 & 2) remain in service.
Rifle, Short, .22-inch, R.F.,  Pattern 1914, No.2, Mark IV ??-???-1925 A 922 New designation of Loc 1755,  24909 n/a Rifles of this pattern will be fitted with a case, magazine, M.L.E.R.S. ( Nos. 1,2,3 & 4) for the collection of .22-inch fired cartridge cases. One per rifle. (The .303 loading platform and spring are not present)
Rifles, short, M.L.E., D.P. (Drill Purpose) 21-Feb-1923 25903 deactivation n/a All Drill Purpose rifles (usually unserviceable Service rifles) were to be rendered incapable of firing Small Arms Ammunition ( S.A.A.) This had not previously been the case
Rifles, short, .22-inch, R.F. - Pattern 1914, No.2 Mk.I*, MkIV* ??-???-1925 A 1201 change in designation & marking 2 Rifles in LoC A 922 with magazine case will be marked on LHS of body will have a "*" added when undergoing repair at Ordnance Factories or R.A.O.C. workshops - case to be stamped "22" on LHS 
Rifle, short, .22-inch, R.F., No.2 Mk. IV* ??-???-1926 - designation Final nomenclature for those converted and refurbished rifles which were to remain in service until the 1950s and beyond in some corners of the World
Rifle, No.3, (P'14) in .22-inch R.F. unknown n/a Rifle, Lee-Enfield No.3 (Pattern '14 .303-inch precursor to U.S. 30.06 M'17) unknown A small number of these rifles were converted to .22RF by WW. Greener and possibly A.G. Parker. They were never adopted
Rifle, Vickers Martini, .22 R.F. ca 1940 unknown n/a Australian & New Zealand training Some Vickers Target rifles, manufactured in England in the 1920s, found their way into military service in the Antipodes. Probably these were wartime requisitions later returned to their owners.*****
Rifle, .22-inch, Mossberg, Model 42 M-B ??-???-1943 unknown new build These rifles were provided on the U.S. Lend-lease arrangement for the procurement of arms during World War II. They were stamped " UNITED STATES PROPERTY"
Rifle, C No.7, .22 IN., Mk. I LONG BRANCH ??-???-1944 n/a new build Canadian Army 5,000 of these were built at Long Branch between 1944 and 1945. A single shot training rifle with a purpose built rearsight and destined to be emulated by the British No.9 rifle more than 10 years later
Rifle, .22R.F., Experimental (.22-inch, No.5) ??-???- 1945 n/a new build on converted new No.5 "Jungle Carbine" actions Intended as new British training rifle for No.5 Service rifle Apart form a small number of prototypes, just 100 trials rifles were built and issued to some units and small-bore rifle associations for testing under the provisional nomenclature "Rifle,.22 No.5" ****. The errant zero of the .303 No.5 precluded its intended adoption as the sole Service rifle, and the training rifle production was not required
Rifle, .22R.F., Experimental (.22-inch, No.6) ??-???-1946 n/a new build on converted new No.4 Mk.I actions Prototype for new No.4 emulating training and target rifle A further development of the .22 No.5, precursor to the No.8 rifle, and given the provisional nomenclature " Rifle, .22-inch, No.6"
Rifle, No.7, Mk.I ??-???-1948 unknown new build on converted new No.4 Mk.I actions Royal Air Force Approximately 2,500 of these 5 round magazine fed rifles were manufactured by B.S.A. specifically for the R.A.F.
Rifle, No.8, Mk.I early 1949 unknown new build on converted new No.5 and later some No.4 Mk.I actions For both the Military and Cadet Forces - Land Service This excellent design, of a superb and long-serving post-war rifle, was a development of the Rifle, .22RF No.6 prototype. It is still widely in use with Cadet units.
Rifle, "No.9", (N.9) Mk.I ??-???-1956 unknown Rifle, No.4 Mk.I Royal Navy Parker-Hale conversion for the Royal Navy. The .303-inch barrels are bored and sleeved to .22-inch in their "Parkerifling" process. Single shot with a bolt and head configuration similar to the No.2 rifles.
Rifle, L1A1 .22-inch R.F. Experimental ??-???-1959 n/a Rifle L1A1 7.62mm F.N. (S.L.R.) n/a Birmingham Small Arms Co. produced small numbers of prototype converted rifles, but these proved expensive to produce and were neither adopted nor put into production
Rifle, .22-inch, Sportco, L29A2 TBA unknown n/a unknown A commercially produced Australian "blowback" self-loading rifle - the Model 71S, adopted by the British Government for specific training uses****
Rifle L1A1 ( F.N. S.L.R.) Kit, conversion, L12A1 ??-???-197? unknown adapter unit only
Rifle, L59A1, D.P. (Drill Purpose) ca 1975 unknown Rifle, No.4 Mk.I British Cadet Units This virtual deactivation of a No.4 rifle had denoting copper-plated bolt and cocking-piece components, some with cut-away slots in bolt-body showing firing mechanism, and a cut-away in the breech/chamber area through the fore-end woodwork.
Rifle L85A1 (SA 80 IW) Kit, conversion, L14A1 ??-Jan-1986 unknown adapter unit only Based on the above  Heckler and Koch unit for the L1A1 7.62mm Fabrique Nationale Self-Loading Rifle ( F.N.- S.L.R.)
Rifle, L98A1 5.56mm  Enfield Cadet GP ??-???-1986 unknown new build rifle British Cadet Forces A single-shot 5.56mm service calibre rifle for cadet use. Attempts were made to market a commercial version under the name "Ensign" 
* The "List of Changes" recorded the adoption, modification and rendition out of service of all military matériel, including most small arms and ancillary items.
** N.B. Introduction may post-date Approval dates by some time.
*** After LoC 26231, at year-end 1923, an "A" prefix was applied, commencing from LoC ref: A1 ( I.Skennerton - extracts from the List of Changes in British War Material -1998 - see Bibliography by clicking this link.
**** Catalogue of the Enfield Pattern Room - British Rifles - by Herb Woodend, 1981 - see Bibliography by clicking this link
***** British Empire Cadet & Training Rifles, S.A.I.S. 16 - I. Skennerton - 2003 -ISBN 0 949749 45 1


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